Google 的搜尋廣告最近改版了,在 The Verge 的「Google’s ads just look like search results now」這邊可以看到報導以及 screenshot:
可以看到廣告的標示變成 favicon 了,使得使用者更容易誤會是搜尋內容。而這也使得廣告的點閱比例大幅提昇,像是「Google’s latest search results change further blurs what’s an ad」這邊提到的:
For all four clients (a local health care company, two business-to-business companies and an e-commerce company), the desktop click-through rates increased and ranged from 4% to 10.5%. All clients had slight declines in the click-through rates on mobile devices.
The Verge 後續也分析了這個改變帶來的反思:「How much longer will we trust Google’s search results?」。
我的建議是 uBlock Origin 當作基本工具 (在各瀏覽器上應該都有支援),另外進階一些可以用 DuckDuckGo 看看,但不保證搜尋品質會讓你滿意...