After Feb 19th we will make four total validation requests (1 from a primary datacentre, and 3 from remote datacentres). The primary request and at least 2 of the 3 remote requests must receive the correct challenge response value for the domain to be considered authorized.
Today I am happy to be able to tell you that Compute Savings Plans now apply to the compute time consumed by your AWS Lambda functions, with savings of up to 17%.
It's written in Go, a language that compiles to native code
Parsing, printing, and source map generation are all fully parallelized
Everything is done in very few passes without expensive data transformations
Code is written with speed in mind, and tries to avoid unnecessary allocations
不過作者有提到這個專案畢竟比較新,還沒有被時間磨練過,可能會有些 bug:
This is a hobby project that I wrote over the 2019-2020 winter break. I believe that it's relatively complete and functional. However, it's brand new code and probably has a lot of bugs. It also hasn't yet been used in production by anyone. Use at your own risk.
We want to build features that users want, so a subset of users may get a sneak peek at new functionality being tested before it’s launched to the world at large. A list of field trials that are currently active on your installation of Chrome will be included in all requests sent to Google. This Chrome-Variations header (X-Client-Data) will not contain any personally identifiable information, and will only describe the state of the installation of Chrome itself, including active variations, as well as server-side experiments that may affect the installation.
The variations active for a given installation are determined by a seed number which is randomly selected on first run. If usage statistics and crash reports are disabled, this number is chosen between 0 and 7999 (13 bits of entropy). If you would like to reset your variations seed, run Chrome with the command line flag “--reset-variation-state”. Experiments may be further limited by country (determined by your IP address), operating system, Chrome version and other parameters.
但因為這個預設值開啟的關係,就算關掉後也足以把使用者再分類到另外一個區塊,仍然具有高度辨識性,不是你 Google 說無法辨識就算數。
另外如果看 source code 裡的說明:
// Note the criteria for attaching client experiment headers:
// 1. We only transmit to Google owned domains which can evaluate
// experiments.
// 1a. These include hosts which have a standard postfix such as:
// * or * or
// exactly or
// international TLD domains *.google. or *.youtube..
// 2. Only transmit for non-Incognito profiles.
// 3. For the X-Client-Data header, only include non-empty variation IDs.