TCP Congestion Control Algorithm 的選擇

先前 Ubuntu 桌機用 BBR 跑了一陣子,但有遇到一些問題 (可以參考「Dropbox 測試 BBRv2 的結果」這篇),所以暫時換成 Westwood,但還是陸陸續續會看一下各種研究。

剛剛在「[tor-relays] TCP CCA for Tor Relays (and especially Bridges)」這邊看到一個經驗談:

Here are my completely unscientific scribbles of how all the various algorithms behaved. The scenario is uploading for a minute or so, observing the speed in MB/sec visually, then recording how it appeared to change during that minute (and then repeating this a couple of times to be certain).

tcp_bic.ko       -- 6...5...4
tcp_highspeed.ko -- 2
tcp_htcp.ko      -- 1.5...3...2
tcp_hybla.ko     -- 3...2...1
tcp_illinois.ko  -- 6...7...10
tcp_lp.ko        -- 2...1
tcp_scalable.ko  -- 5...4...3
tcp_vegas.ko     -- 2.5
tcp_veno.ko      -- 2.5
tcp_westwood.ko  -- <1
tcp_yeah.ko      -- 2...5...6

上面是「目視法」觀察到的速度 (MB/sec),看了一下維基百科上 TCP-Illinois 的說明,看起來設計的目的是提供給頻寬大、latency 高的情境下:

It is especially targeted at high-speed, long-distance networks.


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