Bloom filter 算是教科書上的經典演算法之一,在實際應用上有更好的選擇,像是先前提到的 Cuckoo filter:「Cuckoo Filter:比 Bloom Filter 多了 Delete」。
現在又有人提出新的資料結構,號稱又比 Bloom filter 與 Cuckoo filter 好:「Xor Filters: Faster and Smaller Than Bloom Filters」。
不過並不是完全超越,其中馬上可以看到的差異就是不支援 delete:
Deletions are generally unsafe with these filters even in principle because they track hash values and cannot deal with collisions without access to the object data: if you have two objects mapping to the same hash value, and you have a filter on hash values, it is going to be difficult to delete one without the other.
論文的預印本可以在 arXiv 上下載:「Xor Filters: Faster and Smaller Than Bloom and Cuckoo Filters」。