前陣子有許多 VPS 同時宣佈停止營業的消息:「20 VPS providers to shut down on Monday, giving customers two days to save their data」。
文章裡面列了 20 個 VPS,而這 20 個在 LowEndBox 上都有出現,我就把搜尋的連結直接整理出來了,想確認的人可以展開來看 XDDD:
- ArkaHosting
- Bigfoot Servers
- DCNHost
- HostBRZ
- HostedSimply
- Hosting73
- KudoHosting
- LQHosting
- MegaZoneHosting
- n3Servers
- ServerStrong
- SnowVPS
- SparkVPS
- StrongHosting
- SuperbVPS
- SupremeVPS
- TCNHosting
- UMaxHosting
- WelcomeHosting
- X4Servers
話說我之前也中了兩個 (SupremeVPS 與 UMaxHosting),後來就覺得 LowEndBox 上的站台都怪怪的... 結果最近就有人開一個站整理出倒閉表格 XDDD:「LowEndDeadPool」。
開頭也講得很直接,現在 LowEndBox 基本上的貨色基本上都是... XD:
As of December 2019, it is pretty safe to say that all hosts listed at LowEndBox are a scam at best (except for QuadraNet and Virmach).
so, 有任何比較好的cheap hosting plan嗎?除了自己拿raspberry pi 架機器以外
chicagovps 或是 ramnode 之類的?