Amazon CloudFront 宣佈了第 200 個點,同時也宣佈了南美的價錢從 11 月開始降價 56%:「200 Amazon CloudFront Points of Presence + Price Reduction」。
這次的降價幅度相當驚人,南美的頻寬本來是全 CloudFront 裡最高的,現次一降就降到比整個亞洲區的價錢都還低了,不知道是弄到什麼新合約:
We are also reducing the pricing for on-demand data transfer from CloudFront by 56% for all Points of Presence in South America, effective November 1, 2019.
不過這個比較不包括 AWS 中國區的價錢 (獨立的系統),在中國的價錢是 CNY$0.30866/GB,換算成美金大約是 USD$0.04/GB。
Today I am happy to announce that our global network continues to grow, and now includes 200 Points of Presence, including new locations in Argentina (198), Chile (199), and Colombia (200):