hiQ 之前爬 LinkedIn 的公開資料而被 LinkedIn 告 (可以參考 2017 時的「hiQ prevails / LinkedIn must allow scraping / Of your page info」),這場官司一路打官司打到第九巡迴庭,最後的判決確認了 LinkedIn 完全敗訴。判決書在「HIQ LABS V. LINKEDIN」這邊可以看到。
這次的判決書有提到當初地方法院有下令 LinkedIn 不得用任何方式設限抓取公開資料:
The district court granted hiQ’s motion. It ordered LinkedIn to withdraw its cease-and-desist letter, to remove any existing technical barriers to hiQ’s access to public profiles, and to refrain from putting in place any legal or technical measures with the effect of blocking hiQ’s access to public profiles. LinkedIn timely appealed.
而在判決書裡其他地方也可以看到巡迴庭不斷確認地方法院當時的判決是合理的,並且否定 LinkedIn 的辯解:(這邊只拉了兩段,裡面還有提到很多次)
In short, the district court did not abuse its discretion in concluding on the preliminary injunction record that hiQ currently has no viable way to remain in business other than using LinkedIn public profile data for its Keeper and Skill Mapper services, and that HiQ therefore has demonstrated a likelihood of irreparable harm absent a preliminary injunction.
We conclude that the district court’s determination that the balance of hardships tips sharply in hiQ’s favor is not “illogical, implausible, or without support in the record.” Kelly, 878 F.3d at 713.