在「Yubico iOS Authentication Expands to Include NFC」這邊看到 iOS 13 上對於 NFC 類的 MFA 會有的進展。
主要是因為之前的 NFC 只有讀取能力,所以 U2F/FIDO2/WebAuthn 之類的應用沒有辦法套用上去:
Previously, NFC on iOS was read-only, which meant that it couldn’t support modern authentication protocols like FIDO U2F, FIDO2/WebAuthn that require both read and write capabilities – but now that has changed.
iOS 13 後開放了 API 可以讀寫,所以有辦法支援這些協定了:
With these recent updates, iPhone users (running iOS 13+) can experience mobile NFC authentication with a YubiKey 5 NFC or Security Key NFC by Yubico on apps and browsers that have added support.
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