剛好跟同事聊到 Amazon EC2 的 T2/T3 Unlimited,因為有些疑惑所以回家查了一下資料,發現以前的理解不夠完整。這是 T2/T3 Unlimited 的說明文件:「Unlimited Mode for Burstable Performance Instances」。
在文件的這塊說明了 T2/T3 Unlimited 模式的計算方式:
When its CPU utilization falls below the baseline, it uses the CPU credits that it earns to pay down the surplus credits that it spent earlier. The ability to earn CPU credits to pay down surplus credits enables Amazon EC2 to average the CPU utilization of an instance over a 24-hour period. If the average CPU usage over a 24-hour period exceeds the baseline, the instance is billed for the additional usage at a flat additional rate per vCPU-hour.
我本來以為是剩下的 CPU credit 不夠時就會被收費,但依照官方文件的說明,是可以用後面賺到的 CPU credit 支付前面使用的 CPU credit,而可跨越的時間區間是 24 小時。
所以有時候會在 AWS web console 上看到 CPU 沒有在用,但是 CPU credit 卻長回不來的情況,是因為這時候還在還之前的債...