摸進俄羅斯的外包廠商,意外發現的專案:降低 Tor 匿名性的工具

俄羅斯政府的外包廠商 SyTech 被摸進去後,被發現裡面有些「有趣」的軟體:「Hackers breach FSB contractor, expose Tor deanonymization project and more」。

這次被放在標題的軟體叫做 Nautilus-S,透過被加過料的 Tor server 與 ISP traffic 交叉分析,試著找出俄羅斯內的 Tor 使用者:

Nautilus-S - a project for deanonymizing Tor traffic with the help of rogue Tor servers.


The first was Nautilus-S, the one for deanonymizing Tor traffic. BBC Russia pointed out that work on Nautilus-S started in 2012. Two years later, in 2014, academics from Karlstad University in Sweden, published a paper detailing the use of hostile Tor exit nodes that were attempting to decrypt Tor traffic.


Researchers identified 25 malicious servers, 18 of which were located in Russia, and running Tor version, the same one detailed in the leaked files.

不知道 Tor 會不會有行動...

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