Ubuntu 19.10 版將不再支援 i386 架構了:「i386 architecture will be dropped starting with eoan (Ubuntu 19.10)」。
查了一下 x86-64 條目,AMD 的第一個 x86-64 版本是在 2003 年四月推出的:
The first AMD64-based processor, the Opteron, was released in April 2003.
Intel 則是在 2004 年六月推出:
The first processor to implement Intel 64 was the multi-socket processor Xeon code-named Nocona in June 2004.
但是 mobile 版的是 2006 年七月:
The first Intel mobile processor implementing Intel 64 is the Merom version of the Core 2 processor, which was released on July 27, 2006.
不論如何都已經十年了,如果考慮到 Ubuntu 18.04 提供五年支援,其實到 2023 年四月前都還有得用...
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