所以 Google 要對 ad blocker 全面宣戰了...

一月的時候 Google 就提出了「Manifest V3」,打算閹掉 extension 透過 webRequest 攔截連線的能力,而這個功能就是 uBlock Origin 這類 ad blocker 的基礎。

當時 Google 宣稱 webRequest 嚴重影響瀏覽器效能,但 Ghostery 的團隊則做了實驗證明影響極小:「Ad blocker performance study in response to Manifest V3 finds that Ghostery's ad blocker beats the competition」、「Google遭證據打臉,廣告封鎖程式幾乎不影響Chrome效能」。

All content-blockers except DuckDuckGo have sub-millisecond median decision time per request.

另外在 Alphabet (Google 母公司) 遞交給美國證管會的資料 (FORM 10-K) 可以看到他們把 ad blocker 視為威脅:「goog10-kq42018.htm」。

New and existing technologies could affect our ability to customize ads and/or could block ads online, which would harm our business.

Technologies have been developed to make customizable ads more difficult or to block the display of ads altogether and some providers of online services have integrated technologies that could potentially impair the core functionality of third-party digital advertising. Most of our Google revenues are derived from fees paid to us in connection with the display of ads online. As a result, such technologies and tools could adversely affect our operating results.

所以後續的行為就很清楚了,他們決定 Manifest V3 還是會閹掉 webRequest (以有效抑制 ad blocker 的能力,反正繼續堅持效能問題,當作沒聽到),只開放企業版本使用:「Google to restrict modern ad blocking Chrome extensions to enterprise users」。

Mozilla 愈來愈不成氣候的情況下,現在要看的戲應該是 Google 是否會因此受到 anti-trust 的挑戰呢...

Twitter 對 2x 與 3x 的圖片的研究...

所以發現很多時候用 2x 的圖片就夠了?:「Capping image fidelity on ultra-high resolution devices」。


The most modern screens are OLED. These screens boast some really great features like pure blacks, and are marketed as 3x scale. However, nearly no "3x scale" OLED actually has perfect 3x3 pixels per dot on their screen.

因為螢幕不是真的到 3x 的要求,丟 2x 的圖片出去就好,省頻寬又省下載時間:

This means that most OLED screens that say they are 3x resolution, are actually 3x in the green color, but only 1.5x in the red and blue colors. Showing a 3x resolution image in the app vs a 2x resolution image will be visually the same, though the 3x image takes significantly more data. Even true 3x resolution screens are wasteful as the human eye cannot see that level of detail without something like a magnifying glass.

省下 38% 的資料量,32% 的時間:

There's no difference that the human eye can see, but will save 38% on data and 32% on latency on the capped image load for this particular example which is reflective of most images that load on Twitter.

這也另外帶出了其他的想法,如果沒有太多時間研究的話,可以考慮先提供 2x 的就好,不需要特地做 3x 的版本...

Salesforce 弄了一個新的玩意出來...

然後在 Hacker News 上被酸爆了:「Open-sourcing the Lightning Web Components framework (salesforce.com)」。引用的原文在「Introducing Lightning Web Components Open Source」這邊。

主要還是大家已經厭倦前端一直丟東西出來,但是速度一直都沒什麼改善... 用傳統的 server rendering 反而省了不少 client 端的 CPU resource。

話說回來,前幾天的伺服器爆炸好像沒看到什麼後續新聞... (參考「Salesforce enables modify all in all user profiles」、「Salesforce系統更新意外造成權限擴張,用戶服務被迫中斷」)。

Cloudflare 改善了同時下載同一個檔案的效率...

在「Live video just got more live: Introducing Concurrent Streaming Acceleration」這邊 Cloudflare 說明他們改善了同時下載同一個 cache-miss 檔案時的效率。

本來的架構在 cache-miss 時,CDN 這端會先取得 exclusive lock,然後到 origin server 抓檔案。如果這時候有其他人也要抓同一個檔案,就會先卡住,避免同時間對 origin server 產生大量連線:

這個架構在一般的情況下其實還 ok,就算是 Windows Update 這種等級的量,畢竟就是一次性的情況而已。但對於現代愈來愈普及的 HTTP(S) streaming 技術來說,因為檔案一直產生,這就會是常常遇到的問題了。

由於 lock 機制增加了不少延遲,所以在使用者端就需要多抓一些緩衝時間才能確保品質,這增加了直播的互動延遲,所以 Cloudflare 改善了這個部分,讓所有人都可以同時下載,而非等到發起的使用者下載完才能下載:

沒有太多意外的,從 Cloudflare 內部數字可以看出來這讓 lock 時間大幅下降,對於使用者來說也大幅降低了 TTFB (time to first byte):


在 DOM 操作時的 insertAdjacentElement

看到「Why I'm still using jQuery in 2019」這篇,裡面提到了 jQuery 很多操作上相較於 vanilla javascript 簡單很多,其中一個例子提到了 DOM 操作的 insertAdjacentElement()

el.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', other) undoubtedly works, but $(el).after(other) is actually palatable.

其實我不知道 insertAdjacentElement() 這個功能,我知道的操作都是透過 parentElementfirstChild 在移動位置,然後用 appendChild()insertBefore() 放進去。

跑去 MDN 上查了「Element.insertAdjacentElement() - Web APIs | MDN」後才發現有這個好用的東西:

targetElement.insertAdjacentElement(position, element);

position 的四個變化減少了以前組積木組多了會頭暈的情況。

接下來是研究支援度的問題,才發現可能是因為 Firefox 一直到 48 才支援 (從「Firefox version history」可以看到 48 是 2016 年八月釋出),所以網路上大多數的文章都還是用組積木的方式在介紹 DOM 操作,以避免相容性的問題:

Firefox 48 was released on August 2, 2016 for both desktop and Android.

另外還看到 insert​Adjacent​HTML()insert​Adjacent​Text() 可以用,其中讓我注意到 MDN 上面提到 insert​Adjacent​HTML() 居然是 Firefox 8+?本來以為是 48+ 的誤植,但從 Mozilla 的記錄「Implement insertAdjacentHTML」這邊可以看到,應該是在 Firefox 8 的時候實作的,這樣的話可以當作 insertAdjacentElement() 的替代品 (如果考慮到古早的相容性),只是這邊需要輸入 html string,跟其他操作是是用 element 不太一致...

意外的學到不少歷史故事... @_@

Python 的 code formatter:Black

Black 是一套 Python 上的 Code Formatter,可以幫你重排程式碼以符合 coding style 與 coding standard,比起只是告訴你哪邊有錯來的更進階...

記得以前好像不是掛在官方帳號下面的,翻了一下發現在 Hacker News 上的「https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17151813」這則可以看到,去年在 ambv 的 repository 上,現在則是被導到 python 的組織下了 :o

目前還是掛 beta,另外有不少 practice 讓人不太舒服,像是 Hacker News 上「https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19939806」這邊提到的:

Against my better judgment I'll bite.
I super dislike black's formatting, and I think it's really rare to actually see it in codebases. It wraps weirdly (sometimes not at all). I'd prefer to use yapf, but last I checked it still crashes on "f-strings".

Here's a small example:

        for satchel in satchels
        for apple in satchel
Black formats this as:
            for satchel in satchels
            for apple in satchel
I've never seen Python code like that.
I totally believe using a formatter is good practice. Black is in a challenging position of coming into a community with a lot of existing code and customs, and I get that. But I also think that's an opportunity, rather than having to guess at what is good, there's a wealth of prior art to look at. I wish it had done this, rather than essentially codify the author's style.

看起來還有很多可以調整的,然後也可以考慮用看看... 以前是 3rd-party 還可以丟著不管,現在帶有官方色彩得看一下 :o

GitHub 推出了 GitHub Sponsors

GitHub 推出了 GitHub Sponsors,贊助或是資助的機制,重點都不在首頁上,而是在 FAQ 頁上...

從「Sponsoring a developer」這頁可以看到有月費機制:

有人提到 Twitch,不過我覺得更像 Patreon,本來用 Patreon 的人應該會很有興趣?不過也有人覺得還是不太一樣:「The Twitch argument for GitHub Sponsors」。

等 General Availability 後看看吧?

Stripe 遇到 AWS 上 DNS Resolver 的限制


這次 Stripe 在描述 trouble shooting 的過程:「The secret life of DNS packets: investigating complex networks」。

其中一個頗有趣的架構是他們在每台主機上都有跑 Unbound,然後導去中央的 DNS Resolver,再決定導去 Consul 或是 AWS 的 DNS Resolver:

Unbound runs locally on every host as well as on the DNS servers.

然後他們發現偶而會有大量的 SERVFAIL

接下來就是各種找問題的過程 (像是用 tcpdump 看情況,然後用 iptables 統計一些數字),最後發現是卡在 AWS 的 DNS Resolver 在 60 秒內只回應了 61,385 packets,換算差不多是 1,023 packets/sec,這數字看起來就很雷:

During one of the 60-second collection periods the DNS server sent 257,430 packets to the VPC resolver. The VPC resolver replied back with only 61,385 packets, which averages to 1,023 packets per second. We realized we may be hitting the AWS limit for how much traffic can be sent to a VPC resolver, which is 1,024 packets per second per interface. Our next step was to establish better visibility in our cluster to validate our hypothesis.

在官方文件「Using DNS with Your VPC」這邊看到對應的說明:

Each Amazon EC2 instance limits the number of packets that can be sent to the Amazon-provided DNS server to a maximum of 1024 packets per second per network interface. This limit cannot be increased. The number of DNS queries per second supported by the Amazon-provided DNS server varies by the type of query, the size of response, and the protocol in use. For more information and recommendations for a scalable DNS architecture, see the Hybrid Cloud DNS Solutions for Amazon VPC whitepaper.

iptables 看到的量則是:

找到問題後,後面就是要找方法解決了... 他們給了一個只能算是不會有什麼副作用的 workaround,不過也的確想不到太好的解法。

因為是查詢 網段反解產生大量的查詢,所以就在各 server 上的 Unbound 上指定這個網段直接問 AWS 的 DNS Resolver,不需要往中央的 DNS Resolver 問,這樣在這個場景就不會遇到 1024 packets/sec 問題了 XDDD

Amazon EBS 的預設加密機制

EBS 有選項可以預設開加密了:「New – Opt-in to Default Encryption for New EBS Volumes」。


Per-Region – As noted above, you can opt-in to default encryption on a region-by-region basis.


AMI Sharing – As I noted above, we recently gave you the ability to share encrypted AMIs with other AWS accounts. However, you cannot share them publicly, and you should use a separate account to create community AMIs, Marketplace AMIs, and public snapshots. To learn more, read How to Share Encrypted AMIs Across Accounts to Launch Encrypted EC2 Instances.

然後有些服務有自己的 EBS 設定,這次不受影響。而有些底層其實是用 EC2 的服務 (然後開 EBS) 就會直接套用了:

Other AWS Services – AWS services such as Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) and Amazon WorkSpaces that use EBS for storage perform their own encryption and key management and are not affected by this launch. Services such as Amazon EMR that create volumes within your account will automatically respect the encryption setting, and will use encrypted volumes if the always-encrypt feature is enabled.

EC2 簡化了 Hibernation 的需求

因為在記憶體內會有各種敏感資訊,所以 EC2 的 Hibernation 當初推出時要求在寫到 snapshot 時要有加密,而 EC2 的設計需要使用 encrypted AMI 啟動,才能產生 encrypted snapshot:

Hibernation requires an EC2 instance be an encrypted EBS-backed instance. This ensures protection of sensitive contents in memory (RAM) as they get copied to the EBS upon hibernation.

這點對一般人來說就比較麻煩了,因為 AMI 裡面可能沒有敏感資訊,所以當初都是設計成 unencrypted 狀態,變成要多一些步驟...

而現在 EC2 宣佈可以可以用一般的 AMI 啟動並且產生出加密的 snapshot:「Enable Hibernation on EC2 Instances when launching with an AMI without an Encrypted EBS Snapshot」。
