Pi-hole 最近愈來愈紅的一個計畫,技術上是透過 DNS 把不想要的網域名稱擋掉,通常就是擋掉各種 tracking 與廣告系統。
因為是透過 DNS 擋,當然沒有像 uBlock Origin 直接 parse 網頁內容來的有效,但對於方便性來說則是大勝,只需要在網路設備上設一次,所有的裝置都可以用到。
剛剛看到「How a Single Raspberry Pi made my Home Network Faster」這篇,可以看到 Pi-hole 有不錯的介面可以看 (讓你自我感覺良好?XD):
Review after 1 month in operation
The Pi-Hole has been running for 1 month now on my home network. I have had to whitelist 1 or 2 URLs which was blocking a reset of an Alexa which had an issue, and a video conferencing system had all sorts of tracking and metrics built in which were causing some havoc until I whitelisted them. Otherwise, the Pi has been chugging along at 8% memory utilization, and the network is considerably faster when surfing the web.
對於手癢自己玩應該還可以,拿到辦公室的話應該會有不少東西掛掉... (不過文章作者好像想這樣做)