CECPQ1 是 Google 在研究對抗量子電腦的演算法,作為測試用的演算法,曾經在 Google Chrome 的 54 beta 版 (2016 年) 存活過一段時間,最近又開始在開發新一代的演算法 CECPQ2 了,這次會是基於 TLS 1.3 上測試:「CECPQ2」。
CECPQ2 will be moving slowly: It depends on TLS 1.3 and, as mentioned, 1.3 is taking a while. The larger messages may take some time to deploy if we hit middlebox- or server-compatibility issues. Also the messages are currently too large to include in QUIC. But working though these problems now is a lot of the reason for doing CECPQ2—to ensure that post-quantum TLS remains feasible.
目前對抗量子電腦的演算法好像都跟 Lattice 有關,找時間來補一下基礎理論... @_@