看到「The Baseline Costs of JavaScript Frameworks」這篇文章在研究目前主流 JavaScript Framework 無法避免的成本到底有多高。
文章的結論是目前常見的 JavaScript Framework 其實都很肥重,在網路速度不快的地方得花不少時間下載,在非旗艦的手機上會需要花不少時間處理 (parse & compile)。
這是 gzip 後的大小:
這是 parse & compile 的時間:
這是下載時間 (扣除 latency 與 TLS connection 建立時間):
But it’s important to consider your audience. If you’re building for resource constrained devices — which you certainly are if your product targets a country like India — you could consider using a lighter framework such as Riot or Preact. Your users will thank you.
最後有建議如果只是要呈現資訊,不要用整套 JavaScript Framework,在有需要互動的地方另外寫就好了:
For websites that primarily display content, it’s more efficient and cost-effective to just send some server-rendered HTML down the wire. If there are areas of your website that require interactivity, you can always use JavaScript to build those specific parts.