在「The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch」這邊看到 OpenSSL 的版號規則要改變了,變得比較接近 Semantic Version 的架構。
這樣的形式,之後打算改成 MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH
,不過現有的 1.1.1 與 1.0.2 會先維持原來的規則:
The current 1.1.1 and 1.0.2 versioning scheme will remain unchanged.
另外下一個大版本會是 3.0.0,而不是 2.0.0 (被其他計畫用掉了,所以為了避免混淆中獎,就直接跳過去了):
The current development version (master branch) will be identified as version 3.0.0. The OpenSSL FIPS module currently under development will also follow this versioning scheme. We are skipping the 2.0.0 major version because the previous OpenSSL FIPS module has already used this number.
另外授權也變成 Apache License 2.0 了:
OpenSSL version 3.0.0 will be the first version that we release under the Apache License 2.0. We will not be applying the Apache License to earlier releases of OpenSSL.
我記得 Apache License 2.0 跟 GPLv2 是不相容的... 本來使用 OpenSSL 的軟體為了 OpenSSL 的授權而加的例外條款,這次又要再修嗎...?