AWS 的 Firecracker 技術 (安全的 Container?)

AWS 放出來的 open source 專案 Firecracker,也就是在 AWS 內打造安裝的 container 環境所使用的技術:「Firecracker – Lightweight Virtualization for Serverless Computing」。

依照說明,看起來是利用 crosvm (KVM-based) 但讓他更輕,啟動 image 的時間更快,達到跟 container 類似的效果:

High Performance – You can launch a microVM in as little as 125 ms today (and even faster in 2019), making it ideal for many types of workloads, including those that are transient or short-lived.

Low Overhead – Firecracker consumes about 5 MiB of memory per microVM. You can run thousands of secure VMs with widely varying vCPU and memory configurations on the same instance.

看起來有機會在自己機器上跑看看 (i.e. 非虛擬環境)?跑之前要注意目前只支援 Intel 的硬體:

Firecracker currently supports Intel CPUs, with planned AMD and Arm support. Firecracker will also be integrated with popular container runtimes.

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