Amazon Aurora Global Database

AWSAurora (MySQL) 推出 Amazon Aurora Global Database:「Announcing Amazon Aurora Global Database」。

看起來不是 multi-master (從 secondary region 這個字看),所以寫入的部分還是得送回 primary region 處理:

Aurora Global Database uses storage-based replication with typical latency of less than 1 second, using dedicated infrastructure that leaves your database fully available to serve application workloads. In the unlikely event of a regional degradation or outage, one of the secondary regions can be promoted to full read/write capabilities in less than 1 minute.

應該是單一 endpoint 幫你處理這些雜事...

JavaScript Framework 不可避免的成本

看到「The Baseline Costs of JavaScript Frameworks」這篇文章在研究目前主流 JavaScript Framework 無法避免的成本到底有多高。

文章的結論是目前常見的 JavaScript Framework 其實都很肥重,在網路速度不快的地方得花不少時間下載,在非旗艦的手機上會需要花不少時間處理 (parse & compile)。

這是 gzip 後的大小:

這是 parse & compile 的時間:

這是下載時間 (扣除 latency 與 TLS connection 建立時間):


But it’s important to consider your audience. If you’re building for resource constrained devices — which you certainly are if your product targets a country like India — you could consider using a lighter framework such as Riot or Preact. Your users will thank you.

最後有建議如果只是要呈現資訊,不要用整套 JavaScript Framework,在有需要互動的地方另外寫就好了:

For websites that primarily display content, it’s more efficient and cost-effective to just send some server-rendered HTML down the wire. If there are areas of your website that require interactivity, you can always use JavaScript to build those specific parts.

AWS 提供將 Lightsail 切換到 EC2 的功能

AWS 總算把 Lightsail 轉移到 EC2 的功能做出來了:「Amazon Lightsail Now Provides an Upgrade Path to EC2」。

這樣先從小站開始跑,搞大後想要改用 AWS 服務的切換成本就降低不少了。不過目前看起來是透過 export-and-import 做:

When you are ready to upgrade an instance to EC2, simply take a snapshot of your instance and follow the step-by-step process in Lightsail's console to export your snapshot to EC2. You can then use EC2 or the Upgrade to EC2 wizard in Lightsail's console to get your new EC2 instance up and running.

不過上次用 Lightsail 可以發現可用的 CPU 跟其他 VPS 比起來慢不少... 這點是一開始要不要選 Lightsail 的因素。

EC2 支援休眠

AWSEC2 instance 推出了休眠模式:「New – Hibernate Your EC2 Instances」。

休眠模式主要是透過保留記憶體內的內容 (會寫到 EBS 裡),讓機器開起來比較快,不過這邊有要求 root EBS volume 需要加密:

When an instance is instructed to hibernate, it writes the in-memory state to a file in the root EBS volume and then (in effect) shuts itself down. The AMI used to launch the instance must be encrypted, as must the root EBS volume of the instance. The encryption ensures proper protection for sensitive data when it is copied from memory to the EBS volume.

費用的部分是 EBS volume 與 Elastic IP:

While the instance is in hibernation, you pay only for the EBS volumes and Elastic IP Addresses attached to it; there are no other hourly charges (just like any other stopped instance).

一般對外服務的伺服器好像用不太到... 應該是內部系統或是開發機的需求?

AWS 要再推出更低價的 S3 Glacier Deep Archive

AWS 打算要推出 S3 的新產品,單價更低但反應時間更長的儲存方案:「Coming Soon – S3 Glacier Deep Archive for Long-Term Data Retention」。


It is designed for customers — particularly those in highly-regulated industries, such as the Financial Services, Healthcare, and Public Sectors — that retain data sets for 7-10 years or longer to meet regulatory compliance requirements.

看起來是那種 log 丟著就不會去動的情境... (Write once never read?XD)

OpenSSL 的版號規則打算要改變...

在「The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch」這邊看到 OpenSSL 的版號規則要改變了,變得比較接近 Semantic Version 的架構。

本來是 MAJOR.MINOR.FIX[PATCH] 這樣的形式,之後打算改成 MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH,不過現有的 1.1.1 與 1.0.2 會先維持原來的規則:

The current 1.1.1 and 1.0.2 versioning scheme will remain unchanged.

另外下一個大版本會是 3.0.0,而不是 2.0.0 (被其他計畫用掉了,所以為了避免混淆中獎,就直接跳過去了):

The current development version (master branch) will be identified as version 3.0.0. The OpenSSL FIPS module currently under development will also follow this versioning scheme. We are skipping the 2.0.0 major version because the previous OpenSSL FIPS module has already used this number.

另外授權也變成 Apache License 2.0 了:

OpenSSL version 3.0.0 will be the first version that we release under the Apache License 2.0. We will not be applying the Apache License to earlier releases of OpenSSL.

我記得 Apache License 2.0 跟 GPLv2 是不相容的... 本來使用 OpenSSL 的軟體為了 OpenSSL 的授權而加的例外條款,這次又要再修嗎...?

貴不少的 DynamoDB On-Demand...

DynamoDB 用起來比較困難的部份就是規劃 R/W capacity,所以 AWS 就推出了 DynamoDB On-Demand,直接計算用多少而不用規劃 R/W capacity:「Amazon DynamoDB On-Demand – No Capacity Planning and Pay-Per-Request Pricing」。

先講一下歷史,在 2014 的時候 Jeff Barr 就有在「Auto Scale DynamoDB With Dynamic DynamoDB」這邊提到開一台 t1.micro 在上面跑程式實做 DynamoDB 的 auto scaling。

另外在 2017 年的時候 AWS 自己推出了同樣的功能,就不需要開機器了,交給 AWS 的服務處理就可以了:「New – Auto Scaling for Amazon DynamoDB」。


目前想到唯一會炸掉的情境應該是突然被熱門媒體報導,而導致大量的 guest session 衝進來,而且架構上又沒有針對 guest session 用 cache 擋住 (Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator 也是個選項),導致壓力就全部到後端的 DynamoDB,而 auto scaling 機制需要時間看到量才會調整,在這段時間就有可能短時間倒站。

回來看這次的 On-Demand 提出來的價錢。以 us-east-1 的價錢來看:

Write request units	$1.25 per million write request units
Read request units	$0.25 per million read request units

而本來要自己規劃 R/W capacity 的價錢是 (這邊是 hourly):

Write capacity unit (WCU)	$0.00065 per WCU
Read capacity unit (RCU)	$0.00013 per RCU

由於不管是 On-Demand 還是本來的規劃,Read 價錢都是 Write 的 1/5,所以只要看 Write 一樣可以知道差距。

接下來把 On-Demand 的價錢換算成 3600 個 request units 就可以比較單價,是 $0.0045 (Write),大約是本來版本 6.92 倍的費用...

而且對於已經有規模的應用,這邊還沒算 Reserved Capacity 會有折扣的部份?

這個定價策略讓我想到 AWS Fargate 的情況... 如果你可以接受這個價錢,你可以平常就開五倍的 R/W capacity 在上面啊 XDDD

如果你有衛星 (對,衛星),可以玩看看 AWS Ground Station

AWS 推出的新服務,AWS Ground Station:「AWS Ground Station – Ingest and Process Data from Orbiting Satellites」。

AWS 目前在地面上見了兩個基地站 (預定要成長到 12 個),這個服務可以跟衛星溝通:

Ground Stations – As I mentioned earlier, we are launching today with 2 ground stations, and will have a total of 12 in operation by 2019. We will monitor utilization and demand, and will build additional stations and antennas as needed.


Pricing – Pricing is per-minute of downlink time, with an option to pre-pay for blocks of minutes.

看起來是給租用衛星頻寬的人用的... 不過當初會決定作這個服務是吸了什麼 XDDD

AWS 的 Firecracker 技術 (安全的 Container?)

AWS 放出來的 open source 專案 Firecracker,也就是在 AWS 內打造安裝的 container 環境所使用的技術:「Firecracker – Lightweight Virtualization for Serverless Computing」。

依照說明,看起來是利用 crosvm (KVM-based) 但讓他更輕,啟動 image 的時間更快,達到跟 container 類似的效果:

High Performance – You can launch a microVM in as little as 125 ms today (and even faster in 2019), making it ideal for many types of workloads, including those that are transient or short-lived.

Low Overhead – Firecracker consumes about 5 MiB of memory per microVM. You can run thousands of secure VMs with widely varying vCPU and memory configurations on the same instance.

看起來有機會在自己機器上跑看看 (i.e. 非虛擬環境)?跑之前要注意目前只支援 Intel 的硬體:

Firecracker currently supports Intel CPUs, with planned AMD and Arm support. Firecracker will also be integrated with popular container runtimes.