Onavo 是個提供 VPN 服務的公司,跟一般的 VPN 服務一樣,以隱私為主打,後來在 2013 年被 Facebook 買下,但在今年三月的時候就有媒體有報導 Facebook 打算蒐集 Onavo 上的資料:「Facebook-owned Onavo quietly launches Bolt App Lock, a data-tracking app that locks other apps」,當時 Facebook 不怎麼鳥各家媒體的看法,就放著...
不過直到八月的時候才被 Apple 下架:「Apple removed Facebook’s Onavo from the App Store for gathering app data」,引用 Apple 發言人給 TechCrunch 的句子:
We work hard to protect user privacy and data security throughout the Apple ecosystem. With the latest update to our guidelines, we made it explicitly clear that apps should not collect information about which other apps are installed on a user’s device for the purposes of analytics or advertising/marketing and must make it clear what user data will be collected and how it will be used.