Amazon S3 提供更高的存取量...

AWS 宣佈提高了 Amazon S3 的效能:「Amazon S3 Announces Increased Request Rate Performance」。

每個 S3 prefix 都可以到 5500 RPS read 與 3500 RPS write:

Amazon S3 now provides increased performance to support up to 3,500 requests per second to add data and 5,500 requests per second to retrieve data, which can save significant processing time for no additional charge. Each S3 prefix can support these request rates, making it simple to increase performance exponentially.

舊的資料可以看「Request Rate and Performance Considerations」這邊,裡面沒有明講速度,但有提到如果超過 800 RPS read 與 300 RPS write 的門檻,建議開 case:

However, if you expect a rapid increase in the request rate for a bucket to more than 300 PUT/LIST/DELETE requests per second or more than 800 GET requests per second, we recommend that you open a support case to prepare for the workload and avoid any temporary limits on your request rate.

不過如果有量的話,還是建議照著原來的 prefix 建議,打散處理會比較好,通常在前面的 CDN 通常可以跑簡單的 url rewrite 處理掉 (像是 CloudFront 自家或是 Cloudflare),像是把使用 unix timestamp (ms) 的 變成,這樣可以讓 Amazon S3 的後端依照 prefix 打散 loading,避免當站愈來愈大的時候很難處理。

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