Netflix 丟出了 FlameScope,另外一種顯示效能的工具,將效能資料轉成 2D 圖片:「Netflix FlameScope」。
We’re excited to release FlameScope: a new performance visualization tool for analyzing variance, perturbations, single-threaded execution, application startup, and other time-based issues.
然後這個工具同樣是發明火焰圖的 Brendan Gregg 與他的同事 Martin Spier 的作品:
FlameScope was developed by Martin Spier and Brendan Gregg, Netflix cloud performance engineering team. Blog post by Brendan Gregg.
火焰圖 (flame graph) 就是這個:
其實是每秒切一次 offset 做出來的圖:
就可以很簡單的看出來哪些區塊以及 pattern 是熱點: