Amazon DynamoDB 在 3/26 發出來的功能,以秒為單位的備份與還原機制:「New – Amazon DynamoDB Continuous Backups and Point-In-Time Recovery (PITR)」。
打開後就會開始記錄,最多可以還原 35 天內的任何一個時間點的資料:
DynamoDB can back up your data with per-second granularity and restore to any single second from the time PITR was enabled up to the prior 35 days.
這時候就算改變資料或是刪除資料,實際上在系統內都是 Copy-on-write 操作,所以需要另外的空間,這部份會另外計價:
Pricing for continuous backups is detailed on the DynamoDB Pricing Pages. Pricing varies by region and is based on the current size of the table and indexes. For example, in US East (N. Virginia) you pay $0.20 per GB based on the size of the data and all local secondary indexes.
有這樣的功能通常是一開始設計時就有考慮 (讓底層的資料結構可以很方便的達成這樣的效果),現在只是把功能實作出來... 像 MySQL 之類的軟體就沒辦法弄成這樣 XDDD
最後有提到支援的地區,是用條列的而不是說所有有 Amazon DynamoDB 的區域都支援:
PITR is available in the US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (N. California), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Canada (Central), EU (Frankfurt), EU (Ireland), EU (London), and South America (Sao Paulo) Regions starting today.
比對一下,應該是巴黎與美國政府用的區域沒進去... 一個是去年年底開幕的區域,另一個是本來上新功能就偏慢的區域。
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