AWS 宣佈了 Amazon ECS 也支援 Route 53 提供的 Service Discovery 了:「Introducing Service Discovery for Amazon ECS」。
也就是說現在都整合好了... 比較一下先前需要自己包裝起來套用的方式會少不少功夫:
Previously, to ensure that services were able to discover and connect with each other, you had to configure and run your own service discovery system or connect every service to a load balancer. Now, you can enable service discovery for your containerized services with a simple selection in the ECS console, AWS CLI, or using the ECS API.
AWS 在 2016 年的時候有寫一篇「Service Discovery for Amazon ECS Using DNS」在講怎麼透過事件的觸發配合 AWS Lambda 把服務掛上去或是移除掉:
Recently, we proposed a reference architecture for ELB-based service discovery that uses Amazon CloudWatch Events and AWS Lambda to register the service in Amazon Route 53 and uses Elastic Load Balancing functionality to perform health checks and manage request routing. An ELB-based service discovery solution works well for most services, but some services do not need a load balancer.
現在看起來都可以改用 Auto Naming API 了...