Mozilla 旗下的產品 (包括 Firefox) 將在今年十月對 Symantec 簽出的 SSL Certificate 終止信任:「Distrust of Symantec TLS Certificates」。
Mozilla 有把發生的事情都整理出來:「CA:Symantec Issues」,另外 Firefox 的動作分成三個階段,目前 stable 是 58,但 nightly 是 60 了:
- January 2018 (Firefox 58): Notices in the Browser Console warn about Symantec certificates issued before 2016-06-01, to encourage site owners to replace their TLS certificates.
- May 2018 (Firefox 60): Websites will show an untrusted connection error if they use a TLS certificate issued before 2016-06-01 that chains up to a Symantec root certificate.
- October 2018 (Firefox 63): Distrust of Symantec root certificates for website server TLS authentication.
去年 Google Chrome 就有先丟出對 Symantec CA 的計畫 (參考「Google Chrome 對 Symantec 全系列憑證的不信任計畫」這篇),看起來 Mozilla 的計畫也差不多,但時間有些差異...