先前有提到 Let's Encrypt 的 Wildcard Certificate 從一月延到二月底 (表訂 2/27,參考先前的「Let's Encrypt 的 Wildcard SSL Certificate 延至二月底推出」這篇),今天想說歐美的時區也差不多要過完 2/27 了,結果翻資料發現在「ACMEv2 and Wildcard Launch Delay」這邊又宣佈延期了,這次也不給時間了 XDDD
主要是 TLS-SNI 認證方式的前提有問題,導致 Let's Encrypt 臨時調度人力處理這個包 (可以參考「2018.01.09 Issue with TLS-SNI-01 and Shared Hosting Infrastructure」這篇,裡面有提到共用產生的問題假設):
The biggest reason for this delay is the recent TLS-SNI deprecation. This unexpectedly pulled most engineering resources away from ACMEv2 and wildcard support for approximately two weeks.
然後 2/27 的說明提到目前是沒什麼大問題,但目前還在 QA 階段,然後目前先不給 release date:
Feb 27 Update: There are no known major issues with the ACMEv2/wildcard test endpoint. ACMEv2 and wildcard support quality assurance is continuing. No release date to announce yet.
就只能繼續等了... XD