Amazon Route 53 的 Auto Naming API 可以拿來跑 Service Discovery (參考先前的「用 Amazon Route 53 做 Service Discovery」這篇),當時是 A
record,現在則可以註冊 CNAME
了:「Amazon Route 53 Auto Naming Announces Support for CNAME Record Type and Alias to ELB」。
最直接的影響就是 ELB 的部份了,透過 ELB 處理前端的話,覆載平衡以及數量限制的問題就會減輕很多 (之前是靠 Round-robin DNS 打散,而且限制一次最多回應五個 record):
Beginning today, you can use the Amazon Route 53 Auto Naming APIs to create CNAME records when you register instances of your microservices, and your microservices can discover the CNAMEs by querying DNS for the service name. Additionally, you can use the Amazon Route 53 Auto Naming APIs to create Route 53 alias records that route traffic to Amazon Elastic Load Balancers (ELBs).