Switch Role 讓你可以在兩個 AWS 帳號間切換身份,可以參考「Switching to a Role (AWS Management Console)」這邊的說明。而剛剛看到這則 tweet,直接拆解 AWS 中 Switch Role 的連結,其實也就是文件裡面寫的 Tip:
I use browser bookmarks to switch between different cross-account IAM assumed roles in the AWS console.
Here's the URL format (remove space between slashes):
https:/ /signin.aws.amazon.com/switchrole?account=012345678901&roleName=admin&displayName=tag-admin
— Eric Hammond (@esh) February 6, 2018
另外有 tweet 的 reply 有提到還可以加上顏色:
You can even add something like &color=F2B0A9
There is also a way to redirect to a page after switching, but I can't remember the parameter name— Ben Bridts (@ikB3N) February 6, 2018
所以整體的網址就變成 https://signin.aws.amazon.com/switchrole?account=012345678901&roleName=admin&displayName=tag-admin&color=F2B0A9