看到 PostgreSQL 發表官方 Twitter 帳號的消息:「Announcing @postgresql」。
The PostgreSQL Global Development Group is pleased to announce the launch of the official community Twitter handle: https://twitter.com/postgresql
看起來是把官網資訊延伸出去... 在另外一個平台上也可以看到而已:
@postgresql will contain a mix of automatic and manually curated postings from a group of volunteers that feature various aspects of PostgreSQL and the community-at-large. Content will contain a mix of news, advice, and highlights around PostgreSQL, and enable the PostgreSQL Global Development Group to further engage with the community. If you would like for @postgresql to highlight PostgreSQL-oriented content, we encourage you to reach out to @postgresql via Twitter’s direct message feature.
本來的 Planet PostgreSQL 也會繼續服務:
The live feed for blog entries syndicated from Planet PostgreSQL will continue to be available at https://twitter.com/planetpostgres
還是繼續用 RSS 訂閱就好 XD