AWS CodeBuild 也可以產生 Badge 給網頁用 (像是掛在 GitHub 的 README 裡)

在「Build Badges Sample with AWS CodeBuild」這邊看到 AWS CodeBuild 支援 Badge 的方法。最常用的 GitHub 是給 AWS CodeBuild 授權後取得:

If you chose GitHub, follow the instructions to connect (or reconnect) with GitHub. On the GitHub Authorize application page, for Organization access, choose Request access next to each repository you want AWS CodeBuild to be able to access. After you choose Authorize application, back in the AWS CodeBuild console, for Repository, choose the name of the repository that contains the source code. Select the Build Badge check box to make your project's build status visible and embeddable.


  • PASSING The most recent build on the given branch passed.
  • FAILING The most recent build on the given branch timed out, failed, faulted, or was stopped.
  • IN_PROGRESS The most recent build on the given branch is in progress.
  • UNKNOWN The project has not yet run a build for the given branch or at all. Also, the build badges feature might
    have been disabled.

不過我還是偏愛 3rd party 的組合,不是很愛用 AWS CodeXXX 系列的服務就是了... 唯一一個用的是 AWS CodeCommit 因為有永久的免費額度可以用。

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