Twitter 的 280 字帶來的差異

在「140 Vs. 280: Users Engage With Longer Tweets Data Shows」這邊分析了在 Twitter 上 0~140 與 141~280 字的 tweet 所帶來的互動差異:

可以看到較長的 tweet 會有比較多的 retweet 與 like,不過更細一步的分析就沒有了... 文章內也有提到資料的分析是怎麼來的:

The data parameters: 30,000 publisher tweets that included links between November 29 – December 6.
The results: The click-through rate was roughly equal for both tweet length types but overall engagement nearly doubled for longer tweets. On tweets containing 141-280 characters, the average retweet was a staggering 26.52% – compared the 13.71% for tweets with 0-140 characters. For likes, tweets containing 141-280 characters had an average of a whopping 50.28%, compared to 0-140’s 26.96%.

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