作者寫了一篇「Creating Rust-based NodeJS modules」講同樣演算法 Node.js 要跑 3.5 秒,Rust 只要跑 130ms,所以 Rust 很棒棒之類的...
So about 3.5 seconds for an answer, in web time that is like an eternity. Our algorithm is a very straight forward one, basically just a filter on a large array.
The exact same algorithm, with the exact same CSV and coordinates is now executing in about 130ms.
這讓我想到之前在「看到 zmx 貼了之前的連結,更確信 Uber 的問題不是技術問題了...」這篇提到的文章「Unwinding Uber’s Most Efficient Service」:
前 Bing 員工:買了 Bing 怎麼不問專家啊?Quadtree 降兩個數量級啊,不然你們自創的做了這個小修改也是降兩個數量級啊!https://t.co/nHw1DgmYtU— zmx (@zmx) August 2, 2016
很想講「傻逼你先把演算法修好再來怪 Node.js 慢」,程式會愈來愈難維護都是你們這種人引入一堆複雜的東西 -_-