ElastiCache 支援 r4.* 了

每年 AWS re:Invent 要到的時候就會有很多新的消息出來,Amazon ElastiCache 的團隊應該也是配合著這一波放出消息:「Amazon ElastiCache Now Supports the R4 Node Family」。

包括了 memcachedRedis 都支援了:

Amazon ElastiCache now supports R4 node types. R4 nodes are optimized for latency sensitive and memory intensive workloads. They come in six sizes, providing 12.3GiB to 407GiB of available in-memory capacity. By setting up a 15-shard cluster for Redis, you can scale up to 6.1TiB of in-memory capacity. For Memcached, you can set up a 20-node cluster to support up to 8.14 TiB in-memory workloads. Equipped with the Intel Broadwell processor, and improved networking, R4 node family offers superior performance over the popular R3 node family.


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