AWS 提供 Hybrid Cloud 環境下 DNS 管理的說明

不知道為什麼出現在 browser tab 上,不知道是哪邊看到的... AWS 放出了一份文件,在講 hybrid cloud 環境下當你同時有一般 IDC 機房,而且使用內部 domain 在管理時,網路與 AWS 打通後要怎麼解決 DNS resolver 的問題:「Hybrid Cloud DNS Solutions for Amazon VPC」。

有些東西在官方的說明文件內都寫過,但是是 AWS 的特殊設計,這邊就會重複說明 XDDD

像是這份文件裡提到 Amazon DNS Server 一定會在 VPC 的 base 位置加二 (舉例來說, 的 VPC,Amazon DNS Server 會在

Amazon DNS Server
The Amazon DNS Server in a VPC provides full public DNS resolution, with additional resolution for internal records for the VPC and customer-defined Route 53 private DNS records.4 The AmazonProvidedDNS maps to a DNS server running on a reserved IP address at the base of the VPC network range, plus two. For example, the DNS Server on a network is located at For VPCs with multiple CIDR blocks, the DNS server IP address is located in the primary CIDR block.

在官方文件裡,則是在「DHCP Options Sets」這邊提到一樣的事情:

When you create a VPC, we automatically create a set of DHCP options and associate them with the VPC. This set includes two options: domain-name-servers=AmazonProvidedDNS, and domain-name=domain-name-for-your-region. AmazonProvidedDNS is an Amazon DNS server, and this option enables DNS for instances that need to communicate over the VPC's Internet gateway. The string AmazonProvidedDNS maps to a DNS server running on a reserved IP address at the base of the VPC IPv4 network range, plus two. For example, the DNS Server on a network is located at For VPCs with multiple IPv4 CIDR blocks, the DNS server IP address is located in the primary CIDR block.

另外也還是有些東西在官方的說明文件內沒看過,像是講到 Elastic Network Interface (ENI) 對 Amazon DNS Server 是有封包數量限制的;這點我沒在官方文件上找到,明顯在量太大的時候會中獎,然後開 Support Ticket 才會發現的啊 XDDD:

Each network interface in an Amazon VPC has a hard limit of 1024 packets that it can send to the Amazon Provided DNS server every second.

Anyway... 這份文件裡面提供三種解法:

  • Secondary DNS in a VPC,直接用程式抄一份到 Amazon Route 53 上,這樣 Amazon DNS Server 就可以直接看到了,這也是 AWS 在一般情況下比較推薦的作法。
  • Highly Distributed Forwarders,每台 instance 都跑 Unbound,然後針對不同的 domain 導開,這樣可以有效避開單一 ENI 對 Amazon DNS Server 的封包數量限制,但缺點是這樣的設計通常會需要像是 Puppet 或是 Chef 之類的軟體管理工具才會比較好設定。
  • Zonal Forwarders Using Supersede,就是在上面架設一組 Unbound 伺服器集中管理,透過 DHCP 設定讓 instance 用。但就要注意量不能太大,不然 ENI 對 Amazon DNS Server 的限制可能會爆掉 XD


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