Amazon API Gateway 先前一定要跟 Amazon CloudFront 綁在一起 (而且還是很奇怪的 distribution,不是 Price Class 裡面任何一種分類),現在總算可以獨立自己運作了:「Amazon API Gateway Supports Regional API Endpoints」。
A regional API endpoint is a new type of endpoint that is accessed from the same AWS region in which your REST API is deployed. This helps you reduce request latency when API requests originate from the same region as your REST API.
而且這樣一來,如果還是要用 Amazon CloudFront 擋在前面的話,可以自己選擇 Price Class:
Additionally, you can now choose to associate your own Amazon CloudFront distribution with the regional API endpoint.
以前用起來頗莫名其妙的 XDDD