這次 iOS 11 的無線網路與藍芽需要到 Settings (設定) 裡面才能有效關掉的設計,讓 EFF 不爽寫了一篇文章:「iOS 11’s Misleading “Off-ish” Setting for Bluetooth and Wi-Fi is Bad for User Security」。
On an iPhone, users might instinctively swipe up to open Control Center and toggle Wi-Fi and Bluetooth off from the quick settings. Each icon switches from blue to gray, leading a user to reasonably believe they have been turned off—in other words, fully disabled. In iOS 10, that was true. However, in iOS 11, the same setting change no longer actually turns Wi-Fi or Bluetooth “off.”
不過藍芽的洞真的不少,儘量避免吧... +_+