Netflix 在美國漲價

Okay,所以 Netflix 在美國的價錢漲了:「Netflix Is Increasing Its Monthly Subscription Cost」。


The basic streaming plan, which only allows for streaming on only one screen at a time, will remain at $7.99 a month.

雙螢幕版漲 $1 變成 $10.99:

The company’s most popular plan — which allows customers to stream titles on two devices with a single account — will increase by $1 to $10.99 a month.

四螢幕版漲 $2 變成 $13.99:

The premium plan — which allows customers to use the same account for four screens at once — will increase by $2 to $13.99 a month.


The price hike arrives as Netflix continues to increase production of original TV and movie content. The company said that by the end of the year it will have spent around $6 billion for original content in 2017. In August, Ted Sarandos, Netflix’s chief content officer, told Variety that the company planned to spend about $7 billion for original programming next year.

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