AWS 新的擴張計畫:「In the Works – AWS Region in the Middle East」。
兩個比較大的階段,第一個是在 2018Q1 先建 PoP,把 CloudFront、Route 53 之類的服務先接上去:
We also plan to open an edge location in the UAE in the first quarter of 2018. This will bring Amazon CloudFront, Amazon Route 53, AWS Shield, and AWS WAF to the region, adding to our existing set of 84 points of presence world-wide.
再來是 2019 上半年建 region:
I am happy to announce that we will be opening an AWS Region in the Middle East by early 2019. The new Region will be based in Bahrain, will be comprised of three Availability Zones at launch, and will give AWS customers and partners the ability to run their workloads and store their data in the Middle East.
這樣就會變成離非洲最近的 region 了... (目前應該是印度?)
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