類似於 AWS 先前推出的 Using CloudFront with Lambda@Edge (參考「在 CloudFront 的 edge 上跑 Lambda」以及「Lambda@Edge 的 GA」),Cloudflare 也推出了類似的功能:「Introducing Cloudflare Workers: Run Javascript Service Workers at the Edge」、「Code Everywhere: Why We Built Cloudflare Workers」。
整個系統是架構在 Chrome V8 上,尤其是安全性的部分是 Cloudflare 的人頗讚賞的重點:
Security: The V8 JavaScript engine is arguably the most scrutinized code sandbox in the history of computing, and the Chrome security team is one of the best in the world. Moreover, Google pays massive bug bounties to anyone who can find a vulnerability. (That said, we have added additional layers of our own sandboxing on top of V8.)
比較不一樣的地方在於 Cloudflare 拿 Service Worker API 來設計他們的架構,AWS 則是自己幹了一套出來...
然後現在還沒給出價錢,也還沒完全開放使用... 想要玩的人需要申請 beta。
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