Dgraph 在推銷自家發展出來的 Badger:「Introducing Badger: A fast key-value store written natively in Go」。
標靶是 RocksDB,號稱比 RocksDB 快好幾倍:
Based on benchmarks, Badger is at least 3.5x faster than RocksDB when doing random reads. For value sizes between 128B to 16KB, data loading is 0.86x - 14x faster compared to RocksDB, with Badger gaining significant ground as value size increases. On the flip side, Badger is currently slower for range key-value iteration, but that has a lot of room for optimization.
不過我覺得有些重要的功能在 Badger 不提供,這比起來有種橘子比蘋果的感覺... 像是 RocksDB 提供了 Transaction,而 Badger 則是直接講明他們不打算支援 Transaction:
Keep it simple, stupid. No support for transactions, versioning or snapshots -- anything that can be done outside of the store should be done outside.