從「How do you make programmers work 60-80 hours per week?」這邊看到的,出自 Quora 的「How do you make programmers work 60-80 hours per week?」。
看到標題的時候在想「這什麼詐騙集團類型問題 XDDD」,寫 code 的工程師一天可以專注三個小時就很了不起了好嗎,然後年紀愈大就愈難專注。每天可以工作十小時鐵定是一堆時間在看 YouTube、Facebook、Twitter 的好嗎 XDDD
No programmers really work 60-80 hours a week, especially in a 5 day span. That is a 12-16 hour day, 5 days a week.
I promise you that any company that has programmers “working” that many hours is really only getting 2-4 hours of real work out of them each day. The rest of the time will be filled with pointless meetings, a fair amount of web browsing, and then a whole lot of looking busy.
公司一堆 IM,整天在閃也是很 disturbing XDDD