利用 Side-channel 資訊判斷被 HTTPS 保護的 Netflix 影片資訊

在「Netflix found to leak information on HTTPS-protected videos」這篇看到了研究員透過 VBR 所透露出的 side channel 資訊,成功的取得了被 HTTPS 保護的 Netflix 影片資訊。這對於美國的 ISP 是個大利多 (加上之前通過的法案),但對於個人隱私則是嚴重的打擊。


To support our analysis, we created a fingerprint database comprised of 42,027 Netflix videos. Given this collection of fingerprints, we show that our system can differentiate between videos with greater than 99.99% accuracy. Moreover, when tested against 200 random 20-minute video streams, our system identified 99.5% of the videos with the majority of the identifications occurring less than two and a half minutes into the video stream.




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