透過混搭本來的 shared IP address (已經對各 ISP 有信用) 與客戶租用的 dedicated IP address 混發,然後一段時間後養起來 (最多 45 days):「Amazon SES Can Now Automatically Warm Up Your Dedicated IP Addresses」。
Amazon SES controls the amount of email that can be sent through an IP address. Amazon SES uses a predefined warm-up plan that indicates the maximum number of emails that can be sent daily through an IP address to ensure the traffic is increasing gradually over 45 days.
After you successfully warm up your dedicated IPs (either by yourself or by using the Amazon SES automatic warm-up mechanism), you must send at least 50,000 emails per dedicated IP per day so that the IPs maintain a positive reputation with ISPs. To avoid throttling by the ISPs, avoid sending a high volume of emails soon after the completion of warm-up; we recommend gradually increasing the volume for better deliverability.
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