Amazon Echo 會保留錄音的音頻

在「Police seek Amazon Echo data in murder case (updated)」這邊看到 Amazon Echo 的隱私問題,起因自警方要求要取得 Amazon Echo 的錄音內容。

Amazon Echo 會錄下所有喊出「Alexa」後的句子,並且傳到 cloud 上持續保留:

[,] Echo only captures audio and streams it to the cloud when the device hears the wake word "Alexa." A ring on the top of the device turns blue to give a visual indication that audio is being recorded. Those clips, or "utterances" as the company calls them, are stored in the cloud until a customer deletes them either individually or all at once.

這樣感覺不太好 :o

從 CyanogenMod 變成 Lineage OS

在好幾個地方看到的消息,隨便挑一個:「Cyanogen shuts down CyanogenMod; CM forks into Lineage」,官方公告的存檔在「A fork in the road」這邊。

也就是說,因為 CyanogenMod 收掉,社群將會 fork 轉移到 Lineage OS 上。

這樣得花時間研究看看 Lineage OS 有沒有之前的能量了...


作者用 OpenCV 學習老闆的臉,然後當老闆走過來的時候把畫面切到努力工作中的 screenshot XDDD:「Deep Learning Enables You to Hide Screen when Your Boss is Approaching」。

“My boss left his seat and he was approaching to my seat.”

“OpenCV has detected the face and input the image into the learned model.”

“The screen has switched by recognizing him! ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ ワーイ”

作者是個日本人 (要說不意外嗎 XDDD),這套軟體的程式碼在「Hironsan/BossSensor」這邊 XDDD

超級浪費才能 XDDD

Ruby 2.4 中 Hash Table 的效能改善

前幾天 Ruby 推出了 2.4.0 (Ruby 2.4.0 Released),其中特別被拿出來提的:「Introduce hash table improvement (by Vladimir Makarov)」。

討論串很長而且歷時很久,但可以看出來方向是提高 CPU cache 效率:

Modern processors have several levels of cache. Usually,the CPU reads one or a few lines of the cache from memory (or another level of cache). So CPU is much faster at reading data stored close to each other. The current implementation of Ruby hash tables does not fit well to modern processor cache organization, which requires better data locality for faster program speed.

中間還有拿 Redmine 當作測試項目... XD

Jenkins 的 Blue Ocean 計畫,改善使用者操作的友善度...

JenkinsBlue Ocean 計畫打算改善讓人頭痛很久的操作體驗了:

Blue Ocean is a new project that rethinks the user experience of Jenkins.

Jenkins 讓人頭痛有兩個面向,一個是界面很難讀,另外一個是操作流程很沒有規則,所謂「熟悉 Jenkins」其中一個很艱難的任務就是要背下一堆功能「蔵在哪邊」。而這次 Blue Ocean 想改善的事情看起來主力放在界面,對於流程修的比較少... 即使如此,這還是可以讓使用的人減少一些痛苦就是了...


在專案頁面的後面有提到 Blue Ocean 用的技術:

Blue Ocean is built as a collection of Jenkins plugins itself. There is one key difference, however. It provides both its own endpoint for http requests and delivers up html/javascript via a different path, without the existing Jenkins UI markup/scripts. React.js and ES6 are used to deliver the javascript components of Blue Ocean. Inspired by this excellent open source project (react-plugins) an <ExtensionPoint>pattern was established, that allows extensions to come from any Jenkins plugin (only with Javascript) and should they fail to load, have failures isolated.

又是個不需要用 SPA 呈現的東西跑去用 React 了...


在手機裡面裝木馬後故意讓別人偷走,然後觀察小偷的行為並且拍成紀錄片:「Student Lets Thief Steal His Phone, Spies On Him For Weeks To Make This Documentary」。


裡面用的木馬 (防盜軟體) 是 Cerberus

阻擋廣告的攻性防壁 AdNauseam

看到「AdNauseam: Fight back against advertising surveillance」這個專案瞬間想到攻殼裡面「攻性防壁」這個詞 XDDD

改自 uBlock Origin,除了本來的隱藏廣告功能外,還會狂點廣告來亂 XDDD:

AdNauseam is a lightweight browser extension that blends software tool and artware intervention to fight back against tracking by advertising networks. AdNauseam works like an ad-blocker (it is built atop uBlock-Origin) to silently simulate clicks on each blocked ad, confusing trackers as to one's real interests. At the same time, AdNauseam serves as a means of amplifying users' discontent with advertising networks that disregard privacy and facilitate bulk surveillance agendas.

下個版本 Firefox 的 Multi-Process 將預設全面開啟

Mozilla 說明了 Multi-Process 最近的一些進度:「Update on Multi-Process Firefox」。


Those users have been enjoying the 400% increase in responsiveness and a 700% improvement when web pages are loading.

現在的 Firefox 是 50 版,目前的情況是當 extension 標成 multi-process compatible 就會啟用:

With Firefox 49 we deployed multi-process Firefox to users with a select set of well tested extensions. Our measurements and user feedback were all positive and so with Firefox 50 we deployed multi-process Firefox to users with a broader set of extensions, those whose authors have marked them as multi-process compatible.

下一個版本 (51) 則是會全面開啟,除非有 extension 標成 multi-process incompatible:

Beyond Firefox 50, we have more work to do to enable multi-process Firefox for users with as yet unsupported extensions. In Firefox 51, if all testing goes according to plan, we’ll be enabling multi-process Firefox for users with extensions that are not explicitly marked as incompatible with multi-process Firefox.


NIST 開始徵求 Post-Quantum Cryptography 演算法

現有常見的幾個加密基礎在量子電腦上都有相當快速的解 (像是整數質因數分解、離散對數),只是現在建不出對應夠大台的量子電腦... 但畢竟只是時間的問題了,所以 NIST 照著慣例對外尋求能夠抵抗量子電腦的演算法:「NIST Asks Public to Help Future-Proof Electronic Information」、「Announcing Request for Nominations for Public-Key Post-Quantum Cryptographic Algorithms」。

類似於 Google 先前在 Google Chrome 上實做的 CECPQ1,對 key exchange 的部份加上保護 (Google Chrome 引入 CECPQ1,開始測試 Post-Quantum Cryptography),這次 NIST 是針對 public key crytpsystem 的部份而發的...

投稿時間在 2017 的十一月底,大約一年後就可以看到有哪些演算法要參加競賽了... 不過因為 NSA 的惡名,不知道會不會有其他單位在同個時段啟動類似的活動...

Galileo 系統啟用

由歐盟主導的 Galileo 系統宣布啟用,提供早期服務 (Early Operational Capability):「Galileo navigation satellite system goes live」。預定的 30 顆衛星已經打了 18 顆上去:

At this point, 18 of the planned 30 satellites are already in orbit.

在一般的使用下精確度可以到 4 公尺,相較於 GPS 是 15 公尺高出不少:

Using GPS, private users can navigate with a precision of up to 15 meters (m). Galileo offers a precision of up to 4m for its fully open service.


Commercial users and official government services can even receive a precision of a few centimeters. This is important, for example, for fully or partially automated planes, cars or ships.

之後應該會有同時支援兩套系統的設備出來... 手機應該也會有?