看到「AdNauseam: Fight back against advertising surveillance」這個專案瞬間想到攻殼裡面「攻性防壁」這個詞 XDDD
改自 uBlock Origin,除了本來的隱藏廣告功能外,還會狂點廣告來亂 XDDD:
AdNauseam is a lightweight browser extension that blends software tool and artware intervention to fight back against tracking by advertising networks. AdNauseam works like an ad-blocker (it is built atop uBlock-Origin) to silently simulate clicks on each blocked ad, confusing trackers as to one's real interests. At the same time, AdNauseam serves as a means of amplifying users' discontent with advertising networks that disregard privacy and facilitate bulk surveillance agendas.
樓主中毒不淺 XD