由歐盟主導的 Galileo 系統宣布啟用,提供早期服務 (Early Operational Capability):「Galileo navigation satellite system goes live」。預定的 30 顆衛星已經打了 18 顆上去:
At this point, 18 of the planned 30 satellites are already in orbit.
在一般的使用下精確度可以到 4 公尺,相較於 GPS 是 15 公尺高出不少:
Using GPS, private users can navigate with a precision of up to 15 meters (m). Galileo offers a precision of up to 4m for its fully open service.
Commercial users and official government services can even receive a precision of a few centimeters. This is important, for example, for fully or partially automated planes, cars or ships.
之後應該會有同時支援兩套系統的設備出來... 手機應該也會有?