用 Bitmap 或是用 Tilemap 組成大圖


This program generates bitmaps that are locally similar to the input bitmap.

我覺得這張很有感覺,給幾個 bitmap,然後電路板就出現了:


還有 3D 的:


CNN 這篇「Netflix goes down. Twitter blows up」提到了昨天 Netflix 當了好幾個小時的情況。裡面提到了 Down Detector 這個服務:

Downdetector -- which monitors outage complaints online -- reported more than 13,000 posts from users all over the world Saturday afternoon.

到 Down Detector 網站上看,這個服務有一部份是從 social network 上挖資料:

Downdetector collects status reports from a series of sources. Through a realtime analysis of this data, our system is able to automatically determine outages and service interruptions at a very early stage. One of the sources that we analyse are reports on Twitter.

甚至還可以挖出是全域性的還是區域性的 outage...

iOS 阻擋 WoSign 憑證

mozilla.dev.security.policy 上看到有人行動了:「Apple's response to the WoSign incidents」。這使得 Apple 成為 WoSign 事件中第一個行動的單位。

Apple 這次先把 WoSign 放入 iOS 憑證清單的黑名單公告在這邊:「Blocking Trust for WoSign CA Free SSL Certificate G2」。

WoSign 在 iOS 產品線中是靠 StartComComodo 的交叉簽章,所以如果 Apple 只想擋 WoSign 憑證的話,必須以阻擋 Intermediate CA 的方式避開:

Although no WoSign root is in the list of Apple trusted roots, this intermediate CA used cross-signed certificate relationships with StartCom and Comodo to establish trust on Apple products.

不過為了降低對 user 的影響,這次的阻擋會有例外。當 CT log server 在 2016-09-19 前收到的 SSL certificate 還是會信任 (要注意的重點是,這邊的日期不是簽發,是送到 CT log server 上):

To avoid disruption to existing WoSign certificate holders and to allow their transition to trusted roots, Apple products will trust individual existing certificates issued from this intermediate CA and published to public Certificate Transparency log servers by 2016-09-19.

接下來會開始更深入的調查 WoSign 與 StartCom:

As the investigation progresses, we will take further action on WoSign/StartCom trust anchors in Apple products as needed to protect users.

另外本來的棚子裡,Qihoo 360 與 StartCom 正式提出要求在 2016/10/04 與 Mozilla 的人面對面討論 (在英國):「WoSign and StartCom: next steps」:

Following the publication of the recent investigative report, representatives of Qihoo 360 and StartCom have requested a face-to-face meeting with Mozilla. We have accepted, and that meeting will take place next Tuesday in London.

繼續來看進度... 下個禮拜應該會有更多的資料出來。

Yahoo! 也放出了判斷是否為色情圖片的方案

感覺好像是從 AlphaGo 大勝李世乭開始,透過各類 neural network 的技術就一直冒出來...

Yahoo! 這次放出來判斷是否為色情圖片的也是同源的技術:「Open Sourcing a Deep Learning Solution for Detecting NSFW Images」。

當年沒辦法做的事情,現在的技術已經成熟到被 open source 出來了...

Google 整理並公開出九百萬張圖片以及對應的 tag

Google 放出了九百萬張以 CC 授權釋出的圖片,標上 tag 後變成 Open Images dataset:「Introducing the Open Images Dataset」,像是這樣:

Annotated images form the Open Images dataset. Left: Ghost Arches by Kevin Krejci. Right: Some Silverware by J B. Both images used under CC BY 2.0 license


The image-level annotations have been populated automatically with a vision model similar to Google Cloud Vision API.

不過因為這不是人工確認過的資料,如果要拿來做比較精確的研究,還是得用 Amazon Mechanical Turk 這類服務先校正過以確保正確性。