Nuclear Fallout Shelter 照字面翻是核放射塵碉堡,意思上算是可以對抗輻射塵的防空洞,用 Google Translate 翻出來是「核輻射避難所」,感覺也頗貼切的啦...
而 C14 project 則是 在巴黎的核輻射避難所建立 data center 的玩意:「C14 story - Part 1 Meet Our Nuclear Fallout Shelter」
在地下 26 公尺,如果一層樓三米的話,大約是已經是地下八樓到九樓的位置了:
Starting in October 2016, you will be able to store all your critical C14 data in our fallout shelter, located 26 meters underground in Paris, France.
整個計畫在 2012 年從法國政府買下來,然後開始重建:
In 2011, the French state, owner of the building, decided to move the Ponts et Chaussées' central laboratory in the Parisian suburb and started to dismantle the building.
The Ponts et Chaussées' central laboratory buildings were revamped and divided in multiple bundles to be sold and transformed in multi-unit housing. The main building and the shelter were sold separately via a public invitation to tender. Online landed the deal in September 2012 with the project to build a Datacenter. The project’s codename is DC4.