看到有人用 Markdown 寫電子書:「How I wrote and published my novel using only open source tools」。
電子書的部份主要是透過 Pandoc 轉換,然後用 Dublin Core Metadata Element Set 提供 metadata。
實體書的部份也還是用 Pandoc 轉換成 ODT,而後面還是拿出 LibreOffice 對 page format 調整:
LibreOffice has many page formatting options that are non-obvious but incredibly important. For example, I wanted the first page of each chapter to be a right page, and to exclude the page header. I defined my chapter heading style to have a “page break before” and set a page style of “first page” (which is a right page without a header), which is followed by “right page”, which is followed by “left page”, which goes back to “right page”.
主要還是 Pandoc 這個工具,找機會來轉些東西看看效果...
pandoc 滿好用的,它還可以自己寫 filter 對過程中的 AST 揉捏一番來做到各種精細控制跟自創語法,文中提到的 page format 問題應該也可以透過 filter 解決。
相關資料可以看 http://pandoc.org/scripting.html