在「Google’s QUIC protocol: moving the web from TCP to UDP」這篇前半部在介紹 QUIC (走 UDP 的 TLS),後半部則提到了幾個重點。
首先是 Google Chrome 從 52 開始 (也就是現在的 stable 版) 預設會開啟 QUIC (以前是只有 Google 自家的 domain),這讓採用的價值變高:
Since no one has QUIC support enabled by default in the client, you're probably still safe to run it and enable QUIC in your own browser(s). (Update: since Chrome 52, everyone has QUIC enabled by default, even to non-whitelisted domains)
再來是 QUIC 走 UDP/443:
Well, if we want to allow the QUIC protocol, we will need to allow 443/UDP too.
同時因為走的 Protocol 跟以前不同,所以我可以跑另外一隻 Server 服務使用者,目前只有 Caddy 有支援,雖然是實驗性質:
Right now, the only webserver that can get you QUIC is Caddy since version 0.9.
Both client-side and server-side support is considered experimental, so it's up to you to run it.
至少可以先把 firewall 打開了...
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