利用 CloudFlare 的 reCAPTCHA 反向找出真正的 Tor 使用者

Cryptome 這邊看到可能可以被拿來用的技巧:「Cloudflare reCAPTCHA De-anonymizes Tor Users」。

Tor 使用者連到 CloudFlare 上時,常常會出現 reCAPTCHA 的提示,要求你驗證,而這個驗證過程的 traffic pattern 太龐大而且很明顯,當情治單位同時可以監控 CloudFlare 的上游 (像是「Airtel is sniffing and censoring CloudFlare’s traffic in India and CloudFlare doesn’t even know it.」這篇提到的問題) 或是監控 Tor 的 exit node 的上游,再加上同時監測使用者可能的 ISP,就可以對照湊出使用者:

Each click on one of the images in the puzzle generates a total of about 50 packets between Tor user's computer and the Cloudflare's server (about half are requests and half are real-time responses from the server.) All this happens in less than a second, so eventual jitter introduced in onion mixing is immaterial. The packet group has predictable sizes and patterns, so all the adversary has to do is note the easily detectable signature of the "image click" event, and correlate it with the same on the Cloudflare side. Again, no decryption required.

短短的一秒鐘內會產生 50 個封包,而且 pattern 很清楚...

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